Get Rewards for Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family!

You can get rewards from Community Care Plan if you take steps to stay well! Earn gift cards for getting exams and tests that will help you and your family stay healthy:


Health Snapshot

All Members

Complete CCP’s Health Snapshot within 45 days of enrollment effective date (listed on the member ID card) or CCP’s request date*

An additional $5 reward will be given if a member or parent/guardian completes the Health Snapshot online.




Prenatal and Post-Partum Exams


Complete prenatal (first trimester or first three months) exam and post-partum exams with your obstetrician between one (1) and twelve (12) weeks after your baby is born


Post-Partum Exam Only


Complete a post-partum exam with your obstetrician between one (1) and twelve (12) weeks after your baby is born


Well-Child Exam:
15 months


Complete seven (7) well-child exams by a doctor for your child in the first 15 months of life


Well-Child Exam:
Age 2 - 11


Complete one (1) annual well-child exam by a doctor for your child (age 2 – 11)


Well-Child Exam:
Age 12 -19


Complete one (1) annual well-child exam by a doctor for your child (age 12 - 19)


Annual Exam: Adult


Complete one (1) annual physical exam by your doctor


Behavioral Health Follow-Up

  • Children ages 6+
  • Adolescents
  • Adults

Complete one (1) follow-up visit with a behavioral health provider within seven (7) days after a hospital discharge for a behavioral health diagnosis*


Diabetes Monitoring

Any Member with a Diabetes Diagnosis

Complete an annual diabetic monitoring including a:

  • Special blood test for sugar level (A1c),
  • Urine test (eGFR and urine albumin-creatinine ratio), &
  • Dilated eye exam


Obesity Management Program

  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults

Complete a six (6) month Obesity Management program, including:

  • Two (2) PCP visits, &
  • Three (3) visits with a Registered Dietician in combination with Care Management


Substance-Use Disorder Program

  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults

Complete a Substance-Use Disorder program including:

  • An initial psychiatric assessment &
  • Two total follow-up visits
    • One (1) follow-up visit within 30 days,&
    • One (1) follow-up visit within 90 days


Tobacco Cessation Program

  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults

Complete a tobacco cessation program with proof of completion from the AHEC Tobacco Cessation Counselor/Instructor Tobacco Cessation Resources (**


*Members do not need to ask for this reward. The reward will be given as soon as we get proof of completion, or the provider claim for the visit.

**Tobacco Cessation program: Please email the member name, member ID, and cell phone # with the proof of completion from the AHEC Tobacco Cessation Counselor/Instructor to

After we receive your request, HRA, or provider claim for the Healthy Habit, we will send you a text SMS message with how to redeem your gift card.

After you complete a Healthy Habit from the list above (except Health Risk Assessment, MyChart registration, Tobacco Cessation program**, or Behavioral Health Follow-Up), please complete the form for each family member and enter the date for each completed exam:

Prenatal and Post-Partum Exams: 
Post-Partum Exam Only:
Well-Child Exam: 15 months: 
Well-Child Exam: Age 2 - 11: 
Well-Child Exam: Age 12 – 19: 
Annual Exam: Adult: 
Diabetes Monitoring:
Obesity Management Program: 
Substance Use Disorder Program: 
Enter security code:
 Security code
Please note that:
  • You must be a CCP member when the Healthy Habit was completed.
  • You have six (6) months from the time the Healthy Habit is completed to let us know and get the reward. If you leave our plan for more than 180 days, you may not receive your reward.
  • Rewards cannot be transferred.
  • Rewards may not be used for gambling, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs (except for over-the-counter drugs).
Need help? We are here to help YOU! Call Member Services at
1-866-899-4828 for help to:
  • Change or find a doctor or OB/GYN
  • Get rides to and from appointments
  • Answer any other questions

Be sure to make your appointments and complete your exams and tests!

This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our member service department at 1-866-899-4828 TTY / TDD 711 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm EST.

Community Care Plan is a managed care plan with a Florida Medicaid contract in Broward County.

The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information, contact the Managed Care Plan. Limitations, copayments, and/or restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change.